Sunday, May 21, 2023

Torta Tenerina (Italian Brownies)

Every once in a while, a person just feels like going Italian! I am not a professional cook/chef, not that anyone has ever mistaken me for one (HAHA) but I do love cooking and learning new recipes. Since I do enjoy chocolate (who doesn’t!?) I always am keeping an eye out to new chocolate recipes. I came across this one, Torta Tenerina, while searching for new ways to do a simple brownie. It is a very traditional, delicious, light, chocolatey Italian dessert cake. I was surprised at this recipe and enjoyed making it so much, it has become one I cook whenever I get that urge to cook Italian! TIP: If you have significant leftovers, break into pieces, and put in a freezer bag. They are delicious right out of the freezer as a snack, really!

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