Sunday, April 30, 2023

Island Style Chicken & Shrimp Chow Mein

Having done a lot of my growing up years in Hawaii, I was lucky to have been able to not only eat a lot of island food, but my friends were generous and taught me a lot of things in the kitchen. Social gatherings always included a huge variety of ethnic foods: Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese and the list goes on! Occasionally, someone would sneak in a potato or Jell-O salad! Today we are making a staple for those gatherings - Chicken and Shrimp Chow Mein. Our educational moment for the day – do you know the difference between Chow Mein and Lo Mien? Chow Mein dishes use a thinner noodle, prepared with a very light sauce. Lo Mien is prepared using a noodle rounder than spaghetti and prepared with a heavier sauce. As a point of reference, the noodles you get at Panda Express, for instance, are Chow Mein noodles.

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