Sunday, April 30, 2023

Island Style Chicken & Shrimp Chow Mein

Having done a lot of my growing up years in Hawaii, I was lucky to have been able to not only eat a lot of island food, but my friends were generous and taught me a lot of things in the kitchen. Social gatherings always included a huge variety of ethnic foods: Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese and the list goes on! Occasionally, someone would sneak in a potato or Jell-O salad! Today we are making a staple for those gatherings - Chicken and Shrimp Chow Mein. Our educational moment for the day – do you know the difference between Chow Mein and Lo Mien? Chow Mein dishes use a thinner noodle, prepared with a very light sauce. Lo Mien is prepared using a noodle rounder than spaghetti and prepared with a heavier sauce. As a point of reference, the noodles you get at Panda Express, for instance, are Chow Mein noodles.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Mango Bread

This particular recipe comes from one of my mom's friends, Clara Lipton, in Hawaii. She used to bake endless amounts of fruit and nut breads, this being my most favorite. I was only maybe 10, and I asked her one day in her kitchen, could she teach me to cook this bread. I still have the recipe card in my childlike handwriting that from that day. I believe the mangos were freshly picked from her yard. You will love this bread! I usually make 2 small loafs, planning to freeze one, but it never makes it to the freezer!


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Chicken and Bacon Penne Pasta

Spring is here! Well, maybe not everywhere! Here in Virginia, we could still get some freezing weather! But it has been nice having the daffodils and tulips popping up with their bright yellows, pinks and purples all over our property.  Lately, it seems I like having a pop of color in the food I cook. Today’s recipe has a pop of red and deep dark green against a background of beige and creamy white. Today’s recipe is Chicken and Bacon Penne Pasta. Makes me hungry!!!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Chicken & Lettuce Wraps

My husband and I try to eat healthy. We have cut back on our Carb intake and have learned to eat in moderation. This meal is super healthy and filling! It works well for a buffet type setting, or a family meal. When it’s ready, I like to put it in my small crock pot (to keep it hot) and we enjoy these wraps while we play cards!